All In Poker Series Tournament Rules
By participating in a tournament, you agree to abide by the rules and behave in a courteous manner. A violator may be verbally warned, suspended from play for a specified length of time, or disqualified from the tournament. Chips from a disqualified participant will be removed from play.
- Players, whether in the hand or not, may not discuss the hands until the action is complete.
- Players are obligated to protect the other players in the tournament at all times.
- Discussing cards discarded or hand possibilities are not allowed. A penalty may be given for discussion of hands during the play.
- All players are prohibited from placing or discussing betting money on or near the tournaments. Violators will be disqualified from the event and asked to leave the premise. Absolutely no gambling is permitted at any event.
- Players must be at least 18 years of age and have valid photo ID at all events. Some events may require players to be at least 21 years of age.
- Initial seating is determined by random draw or assignment.
- The appropriate starting amount of chips will be placed on the table for each player signed in at the beginning of the event, whether the player is present or not, so all blinds can be appropriately posted.
- An absent player is always dealt a hand. That player’s stack will post chips for blinds.
- When the tournament has reached the maximum number of players, players will be given an alternate card and will enter the tournament as players are eliminated. Late arriving players may enter the main tournament permitting they are signed in before the end of the 2nd level of blinds.
- Players that arrive after the 2nd blind level may still sign up to play but only in a Single Table tournament - not the main event.
- Using a dealer button, the starting position of the button is determined by the random seat assignment card, dealing in a clockwise manner.
- Limits and blinds are raised at regularly scheduled intervals.
- f there is a signal designating the end of a betting level, the new limits apply on the next deal. (A deal begins with the first riffle of the shuffle.)
- Chips have no cash value.
- The lowest denomination of chip in play will be removed from the table when it is no longer needed in the blind structure. All lower-denomination chips that are of sufficient quantity for a new chip will be changed up directly. The method for removal of odd chips is to round up the amount to the next highest domination.
- A player must be at the table by the time all players have their complete starting hands in order to have a live hand for that deal. (The dealer has been instructed to kill the hands of all absent players immediately after dealing each player a starting hand.)
- As players are eliminated, tables are broken in a pre-set order, with players from the broken tables assigned to empty seats at other tables.
- This is a no re-buy Texas Holdem Tournament. As players are eliminated from the Main Event they may participate in single table consolation tournaments.
- A change of seat is not allowed after play starts, except as assigned by the host.
- If a player is needed to move from a table to balance tables, the player immediately behind the button will be asked to move.
- A new player cannot be dealt in between the big blind and the button. Blinds may not be made up between the big blind and the button. You must wait until the button passes.
- The number of players at each table will be kept reasonably balanced by the transfer of a player as needed.
- There is a redraw for seating when the field is reduced one table. The starting position of the button, at the final table, is determined by the high card, dealing in a clockwise manner.
- Only the dealer should touch the chips in the pot. If you do not have the appropriate amount, the dealer will make change for you when the action is complete.
- A player who declares all in and loses the pot, then discovers that one or more chips were hidden, is not entitled to benefit from this. That player is eliminated from the tournament if the opponent had sufficient chips to cover the hidden chips. If another deal has not yet started, the host may rule the chips belong to the opponent who won that pot. If the next deal has started, the discovered chips are removed from the tournament.
- If a player lacks sufficient chips for a blind or a forced bet, the player is entitled to get action on whatever amount of money is left in his stack. A player who posts a short blind and wins does not need to make up the blind.
- All players must leave their seat immediately after being eliminated from an event.
- If the first or second holecard dealt is exposed, a misdeal results. The dealer will retrieve the card, reshuffle, and recut the cards. If any other holecard is exposed due to a dealer error, the deal continues. The exposed card may not be kept. After completing the hand, the dealer replaces the card with the top card on the deck, and the exposed card is then used for the burncard. If more than one holecard is exposed, this is a misdeal and there must be a redeal.
- You must protect your own hand at all times. Your cards may be protected with your hands, a chip, or other object placed on top of them. If you fail to protect your hand, you will have no redress if it becomes fouled or the dealer accidentally kills it.
- Showing cards from a live hand during the action injures the rights of other players still competing in an event, who wish to see contestants eliminated. A player in a multi-handed pot may not show any cards during a deal. Heads-up, a player may not show any cards unless the event has only two remaining players, or is winner-take-all. If a player deliberately shows a card, the player may be penalized (but his hand will not be ruled dead). Verbally stating one’s hand during the play may be penalized.
- After a deal ends, dealers are asked to not show what card would have been dealt.
- A player must either use a verbal statement giving the amount of the raise or put chips into the pot in a single motion. Otherwise, it is a string bet.
- A verbal statement denotes your action and is binding. If in turn you verbally declare a fold, check, bet, call, or raise, you are forced to take that action.
- Any wager not all-in must be at least the size of the big blind. Example: Blinds are at 200 units and the raise is 400 units, a player who re-raises must raise to at least 600 units.
- Non-tournament chips are not allowed on the table.
- All tournament chips must remain visible on the table throughout the event. Chips taken off the table will be removed from the event, and a player doing this may be disqualified.
- Inappropriate behavior as defined in Section 1-Proper Behavior may be punished with a penalty such as being dealt out for a length of time.
- A severe infraction such as abusive or disruptive behavior may be punished by eviction from the tournament.
- The deck is changed only when blinds change, unless a card is damaged.
- The dealer button remains in position until the appropriate blinds are taken. Players must post all blinds every round. Because of this, last action may be given to the same player for two consecutive hands by the use of a “dead button.
- In heads-up play with two blinds, the small blind is on the button.
- All hands will be turned faceup whenever a player is all-in and betting action is complete.
- Show one, show all. Players are entitled to receive equal access to information about the contents of another player’s hand. After a deal, if cards are shown to another player, every player at the table has a right to see those cards. During a deal, cards that were shown to an active player who might have a further wagering decision on that betting round must immediately be shown to all the other players.
- If multiple players go broke on the same hand, the player starting the hand with the larger amount of chips finishes in the higher place. Players eliminated on the same deal who start their final hand with an equal amount of chips receive equal
- A tournament event is expected to be played until completion.
- The Tournament Host retains the right to cancel any event, or alter it in a manner fair to the players.